Starting Our Fertility Treatment Journey | Outfit Inspired by Asha from Disney's Wish

Dress: Amazon | Belt: Amazon | Shoes: Melissa | Earrings: Amazon | Necklace: Amazon

So I make this wish to have something more for us than this…

Kev and I always knew we wanted to be parents, but never felt quite ready for it until a few years ago. I’ve had an irregular cycle for most of my life, so it was no surprise that it’d likely be difficult for me to get pregnant naturally. However, I didn’t expect it to take this long or to feel as defeated as I currently do. I know we’re still young, but I’m going into this with a few odds already against me, and I feel the pressure that time is ticking.

I wasn’t sure if this was something I ever wanted to publicly share about, but after going through it for a bit, I know firsthand how isolating it can be and thought maybe if I shared my story, it may help you feel less alone if you’re going through fertility struggles too.

After trying to conceive on our own for over a year, we’ve officially turned to a fertility specialist to see how they can help and what our options look like. As we begin this next chapter in our journey, I will admit I’m feeling really nervous and scared. I think my biggest fear is dealing with the potential disappointments we may face, but I know it’s worth doing whatever we can to give this our best shot.

I’ll share another update when we’re ready, but for now, I am doing my best to stay hopeful and not put too much pressure on myself.
