Out of Focus

Jacket: Cakeworthy | Top: Thrifted | Pants: Unique Vintage | Shoes: Dr. Martens | Earrings: Amazon | Bag: Chanel

I can’t believe we’re already more than halfway through January! It’s been a bit of a challenge getting into the swing of things with the new year, but I’m trying my best to push forward.

Contrary to years past, I decided not to set a ton of goals for 2022. The last two years have really changed the way I want to live my life, and I’ve realized that I’ve wasted so much time in the past focusing on the wrong things.

I decided that my mantra for this year is to “stay present.” I want to be more intentional about the time I spend with the people I love, because if there’s anything the pandemic has taught me, it’s that time is precious and never promised.

I also want to focus on me - on my healing, my mental health, and my happiness. I love creating content and expressing myself through my work, but I got swept up in the likes, follows, and external validation. These days, I’ve been trying to enjoy the process of planning an outfit, wearing it out, and documenting it for myself. While I do hope that it inspires those who consume my work, I’ve been a lot happier by taking the pressure off of myself with this simple shift in mindset.

What are some things you’re hoping to focus on in 2022? I’d love to know in the comments below!
