Meeting Idina Menzel + Cara Mentzel for Their New Book "Loud Mouse"

La la la la la la loud! Believe me, as soon as you hear the catchy song that accompanies Idina Menzel and Cara Mentzel’s new children’s book “Loud Mouse,” it will instantly get stuck in your head (in a great way)!

I had never attended a book signing at the Barnes and Noble at the Grove before, but for the opportunity to meet Broadway legend and voice of Frozen’s Elsa, Idina Menzel, it was time to change that. I arrived to the store an hour and a half early, and found there was already a sizable line starting to form. Once we were allowed into the space, we were handed our pre-signed books and then led to the event area where we waited for Idina and her sister Cara’s arrival.

I absolutely loved Idina and Cara’s relationship, and their dynamic reminded me so much of my own with my sister, who lives all the way in Australia. It made me miss her so much!

Cara read the book for the audience, and we were graced with Idina’s lovely singing. Afterward, there was a Q&A session, and we found out that they are already working on a sequel to this book, which will be titled “Proud Mouse”!

We then got to meet Cara and Idina, and they both could not have been any nicer. I was so flattered that Idina loved my outfit and I really appreciated the time they took with each fan. I was completely starstruck!

Admittedly, the Barnes and Noble staff was rude and rushed everyone through (I understand time is limited and they want to get through as many people as possible, but they could’ve handled things in a more polite way in my opinion), so I tried to make myself quick. I did want to notate this just so you are not caught off guard if you decide to attend a signing here in the future.

Until the next event!
