A Fertility Treatment Update

It’s been a few months since we’ve started seeing a fertility specialist, and I thought I’d have more to share by now, but unfortunately I don’t. Things seem to be moving really slowly and time feels like it’s getting away from me. During one of my first ultrasounds back in January, my doctor found a benign polyp in my uterus that needed to be removed as she believed it was getting in the way of a pregnancy sticking. I underwent surgery last month to take care of that, and thankfully all went well. As an update, we’re finally going to be able to start our first official treatment plan within the next week or so.

The last few months have been difficult as I was not fully prepared for how invasive everything was going to be. I’m tired of the long drives to LA for my appointments, being poked and prodded at, and getting stuck in two hour traffic on my way home. I’m aware this doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of what’s to come. I know that rather than focusing on the inconveniences, I should be grateful to have the insurance coverage I have - and I am - but every appointment adds up and it’s been frustrating feeling like we haven’t made much progress after all the time and money we’ve invested so far. Physically, being in the car is triggering for my neck pain and I can’t seem to figure out a way to relax.

With so much uncertainty, it’s emotionally depleting talking about my fertility journey with people, but at the same time, I know it’s necessary for me to connect with friends who have been through it so I can process what I’m going through. It’s easy to feel like I’m a failure, but I know I’m not… a lot of this is out of my control. I’m trying not to dwell on my sadness for too long, and I’m doing my best to push through the fear. I don’t want to lose hope this early on.
